
Participant Online Registration and Reporting Portal

Step 1: Company Information

Please ensure that all fields marked with an asterisk (*) are completed.

Basic Company Information

Selling Start Date in B.C.:
Legal Company Name:
(often must include "Inc.", "Co.", or "Ltd.")
Doing Business As:
Business Type:
Street Address:
Unit # / Address Line 2:
Postal/ZIP Code:
Main Company Phone:
Fax Number:

Additional Company Information

For all companies:

* Are there any additional companies associated with your company that will be registering separately (e.g. sister companies, individual store locations)?

* Is every large appliance sold by your business accounted for and submitted to MARR by any other active MARR participants?

Relevant notes:

For retailers, wholesalers, and distributors only:

Are you registering and will you be reporting/remitting fees to MARR on behalf of all BC locations under your company banner (e.g. franchise locations)?